Beautiful Experience
Eric Tsang
Using The Gift was a truly beautiful experience. The app provides several beautiful landscapes that invoke a sense of calm. I practice a lot of mindfulness through meditation, but I have never experienced anything like this. Many people aren't aware of how emotions can manifest as tension or discomfort in the body. The Gift gives you a way to become more in tune with your body and provides a way to visualize taking the negative thoughts or emotions out of the body. I had a lot of tension in my neck and upper back, but going through the action of removing that tension actually relaxed those muscles, and I felt a sense of lightness. It was powerful to see the ball of emotion that I was removing from myself growing. It was interesting to give that ball characteristics, color, and movement in order to have some representation of how you are feeling. Getting rid of those emotions paved the way to create and envision a way to heal yourself and provide yourself with positive affirmations. I cried like a baby but felt a great sense of relief after the experience was over. I didn't know what to expect going into it, but it was an intense experience for me. This app provides a safe space for you to do some deep introspection. I would definitely recommend this to anyone because I believe The Gift really is a present to those struggling with handling things like stress, depression, anxiety, or negative emotions. This is my experience after just using it one time, but I'm definitely excited to continue using the app and showing it to others.