Refreshing Experience
Rathi Sahgal
After my first 20 minute experience with “THE GIFT”, I immediately felt refreshed and lighter as if an internal emotional weight had been lifted. I enjoyed the ability to choose the environment that made me most comfortable, which for me was the sky scene. The guide walked me through the process of recognizing the thoughts and emotions that were weighing on me, and a method to release and heal. One thing that stood out was my ability to stay focused throughout the experience. I monitored my mood for a few hours after and noticed I felt relaxed, and a few friends recognized a change in my tone just by a phone conversation. I would like to incorporate this experience into my regular wellness routine and specifically when I find myself in a situation where I need guidance to process a triggering emotion with the added bonus of being able to do it at my convenience and in a safe space.
Nickolai Joergensen
Thank you for sharing your empowering story. This will help more people understand the benefits and encourage them to try it for themselves.